18.APRIL.2015 |
The Stone_Dither + Otomo Yoshihide_New York, NY |
27.FEB.2015 |
Avant Media Festival_Music of Paula Matthusen_New York, NY |
9.FEB.2015 |
JACK_w/ Hypercolor_Brooklyn, NY |
13.DEC.2014 |
The Kitchen_Zorn Game Pieces_New York, NY |
23.SEPT.2014 |
Krannert Center_PLAY/PAUSE_Urbana,IL |
5.SEPT.2014 |
THE 2014 DITHER EXTRAVAGANZA!_St Ann & The Holy Trinity_Brooklyn, NY |
8.JUNE.2014 |
Noguchi Museum_Music in the Garden_Queens, NY |
26.MARCH.2014 |
Western Michigan University_New Sounds Festival_Kalamazoo, MI |
18.FEB.2014 |
Taplin Hall, Princeton University_Princeton, NJ |
14.FEB.2014 |
Swarthmore College_PLAY/PAUSE_Swarthmore, NJ |
20-23.NOV.2013 |
Brooklyn Academy of Music_PLAY/PAUSE_Brooklyn, NY |
9.NOV.2013 |
Royce Hall, UCLA Live_PLAY/PAUSE_Los Angeles, CA |
29-31.OCT.2013 |
The Kennedy Center_PLAY/PAUSE_Washington DC |
26.OCT.2013 |
The 2013 DITHER EXTRAVAGANZA!_Brooklyn, NY |
5.OCT.2013 |
Arizona State University, Gammage_PLAY/PAUSE_Phoenix, AZ |
27.SEPT.2013 |
Miller Theater Zorn at 60: Game Pieces_New York, NY |
19-20.SEPT.2013 |
Columbia College Dance Center_PLAY/PAUSE_Chicago, IL |
5.JUNE.2013 |
Silent Barn w/ Lorna Dune + Philip White_Brooklyn, NY |
20.MAY.2013 |
Reverse Space: Elliott Sharp's Foliage_Brooklyn, NY |
27.APRIL.2013 |
Spectrum: Dither members play Zorn game pieces_New York, NY |
21.APRIL.2013 |
Invisible Dog: Dither members play Zorn game pieces_Brooklyn, NY |
15.MARCH.2013 |
Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University_East Lansing, MI |
14.MARCH.2013 |
Dalton Recital Hall, Western Michigan University_Kalamazoo, MI |
13.MARCH.2013 |
Robinwood Concert House_Toledo, OH |
12.MARCH.2013 |
Bryan Recital Hall, Bowling Green State U_Bowling Green, OH |
11.MARCH.2013 |
Clazel Theater_Bowling Green, OH |
22.FEB.2013 |
Christ Episcople Church_Charlottesville, VA |
21.FEB.2013 |
Old Cabel Hall, University of Virgina_Charlottesville, VA |
11.DEC.2012 |
Paradiso_Electric Guitar Heaven Festival_Amsterdam, Netherlands |
11.DEC.2012 |
Amsterdam Conservatory_E. Guitar Heaven Festival_Amsterdam, Netherlands |
7.DEC.2012 |
Melkveg_Electric Guitar Heaven Festival_Amsterdam, Netherlands |
17.NOV.2012 |
16.NOV.2012 |
Wesleyan University_Middletown, CT |
21.JUNE.2012 |
Roulette, music of Phill Niblock_Brooklyn, NY |
17.JUNE.2012 |
Bang on a Can Marathon_World Financial Center_New York, NY |
31.MAY.2012 |
IS129, ACO's Music Factory educational program_Bronx, NY |
25.MAY.2012 |
The Stone_New York, NY |
24.MARCH.2012 |
Yale University_Sprague Hall_New Haven, CT |
28.FEB.2012 |
Princeton University_Taplin Hall_Princeton, NJ |
26.JAN.2012 |
Le Poisson Rouge_New York, NY |
16.NOV.2011 |
ISSUE Project Room w/ James Ilgenfritz_Brooklyn, NY |
16.OCT.2011 |
SONIC Festival_Miller Theater, Columbia_New York, NY |
8.JUL.2011 |
19.JUNE.2011 |
Bang on a Can Marathon_World Financial Center_New York, NY |
26.MAY.2011 |
Tribeca New Music Festival_Merkin Hall_New York, NY |
11.MAY.2011 |
MATA Festival_le Poisson Rouge_New York, NY |
22.MAR.2011 |
Music with a View_Flea Theater_New York, NY |
18.FEB.2011 |
ISSUE Project Room w/ The Collected_Brooklyn, NY |
28.JAN.2011 |
Phillips Academy w/Tristan Perich_Addison Gallery_Andover,MA |
17.DEC.2010 |
Exapno New Music Center Fundraiser_Brooklyn, NY |
13.DEC.2010 |
Roulette w/ Red Light New Music_New York, NY |
11.DEC.2010 |
Dither's Incubator Workshop!_Abrons Arts Center_New York, NY |
09.NOV.2010 |
Princeton University_Taplin Hall_Princeton, NJ |
25.SEPT.2010 |
The New Music Bake Sale w/ Mantra Percussion_Brooklyn, NY |
10.SEPT.2010 |
Music at First w/ Kyle Bobby Dunn_Brooklyn, NY |
13.AUG.2010 |
Whitney Museum w/Elliott Sharp_Christian Marclay Festival_NYC |
31.JULY.2010 |
Berkshire Fringe Festival_Daniel Arts Center_Gt.Barr.,MA |
19.JUNE.2010 |
Benefit Concert for Cancer Research_Tenri Cultural Inst_NYC |
12.JUNE.2010 |
27.APRIL.2010 |
ISSUE Project Room_Littoral Series_Brooklyn, NY |
15.APRIL.2010 |
The Tank w/ Mantra Percussion_New York, NY |
31.MARCH.2010 |
Sarah Lawrence College w/ Mantra Percussion_Bronxville, NY |
27.JAN.2010 |
Barbes_Brooklyn, NY |
21.NOV.2009 |
The Stone_New York, NY |
20.NOV.2009 |
Performa Festival_The Gramercy Theater_New York, NY |
21.OCT.2009 |
The Stone_New York, NY |
12.JULY.2009 |
le Poisson Rouge w/ Doctor Nerve_New York, NY |
25.JUNE.2009 |
Ontological-Hysteric Theater_New York, NY |
13.JUNE.2009 |
Roulette w/ Paula Matthusen_New York, NY |
12.JUNE.2009 |
Issue Project Room w/ Elliott Sharp_Brooklyn, NY |
31.MAY.2009 |
Bang on a Can Marathon_World Financial Center_New York, NY |
17.APRIL.2009 |
New Music Bake Sale_First Presbyterian Church_Brooklyn, NY |
02.MARCH.2009 |
Music with a View_the Flea Theater_New York, NY |
23.FEB.2009 |
FCA Awards Ceremony w/ David Lang_New York, NY |
21.JAN.2009 |
MATA Interval 2.3_Issue Project Room_Brooklyn, NY |
02.NOV.2008 |
The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre_Hong Kong |
30.OCT/01.NOV.2008 |
Hong Kong Explodes!_The Fringe Theater_Hong Kong |
23.OCT.2008 |
Roulette w/ Lainie Fefferman_New York, NY |
21.OCT.2008 |
Princeton University_Taplin Hall_Princeton, NJ |
01.OCT.2008 |
Hong Kong Explodes!_The Players Theater_New York, NY |
20.SEPT.2008 |
Sewing Factory Open Studios_Brooklyn, NY |
17.SEPT.2008 |
The Stone w/ David Lang_New York, NY |
05.SEPT.2008 |
Listen/Space_Brooklyn, NY |
04.MAY.2008 |
The Stone_New York, NY |
05.APRIL.2008 |
Extensible Electric Guitar Festival_Clark University_Worcester, MA |
25.MARCH.2008 |
Princeton University_Taplin Hall_Princeton, NJ |
01.MARCH.2008 |
Roulette w/ IGIGI_New York, NY |
28.FEB.2008 |
Monkeytown_Brooklyn, NY |
15.DEC.2007 |
Eat it." Festival_the Tank_New York, NY |
03.DEC.2007 |
The Rattlestick Theater_New York, NY |
27.OCT.2007 |
William Patterson University_Paterson, NJ |
25.SEPT.2007 |
The Stone_New York, NY |